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All About Sunglasses

All About Sunglasses
Any time of year, sunglasses should be a part of your daily heath-consciousness routine. Sunglasses are not just for summers on the beach any more or just for looking cool and mysterious. Designer sunglasses are no longer just for wealthy movie stars. Sunglasses are crucial in protecting your eyes from the permanent damaging effects of Ultra Violet radiation.

The Mirrorshades: The Creation of Popular Sunglasses

The Mirrorshades: The Creation of Popular Sunglasses
However, Mirrorshades serve a greater purpose than simply shielding the eye. These sunglasses prevent another person from making eye contact with the wearer.

Designer Sunglasses

Designer Sunglasses
When it comes to fashion, designer sunglasses are "hot!" Paris Hilton or the Olsen twins can be seen, just about anywhere in Hollywood, day or night, wearing the latest in designer sunglasses. When they walk the red carpet and they are asked, "What are you wearing ?" they might lower their sunglasses down on their noses and peer over the rims and drop designer names like Vera Wang, Dior, Valentino, Gucci and Armani.

Historical Overview of Sunglasses

Historical Overview of Sunglasses
Sunglasses can be found around every corner you turn today. You can find them in grocery stores for a few dollars or in specialty stores for a few hundred dollars. Sunglasses come in so many different shapes, designs and colors that there is a pair out there for everyone. But the market for sunglasses has not always been this way.
